Members of the D.C. chapter of the International Dark-Sky Association represented IDA on May 12 at a Migratory Bird Festival in Arlington, Va. More than 200 people, including many children, attended the festival sponsored by Arlington County Parks and Natural Resources at Lacey Woods Park. Through informal discussions with attendees, IDA members Marcia Montgomery and Wayne Savage described the negative impact of artificial light at night on migrating birds.
Marcia Montgomery, left, of IDA's D.C. chapter,
speaks with attendees at the Migratory Bird Festival
May 12 at Lacey Woods Park in Arlington.
Arlington County Parks has invited IDA to attend a Bat Fest from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. on Aug. 25 at Gulf Branch Nature Center in Arlington. Artificial light at night impacts bat foraging behavior in ways that are not fully understood and may interfere with navigation of bats and disrupt their circadian clocks.